Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A giffer

Oh, hello.
So I'm learning how to make GIFs and at first, it was driving me insane.  Slowly though, I'm getting the hang of it.  This is my first one, ever.

Stealth Panda, who still has major dreams of world domination even though my heart is set on Xavier the French bull dog, sees nothing but possibility in my new-found rudimentary skills.  But he shall have to wait until things are a bit smoother because GAH!  It takes so getting used to ...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

winners posted!

I grew up skating, so as you can imagine, watching the Olympics is taking a toll on my usual routine.  That, and entering BEING into ABNA, which I did last night.  I LOVE ABNA.  Love it love it love it.  It's not about how far I get in the competition (some years I get farther than others).  It's about the awesome writer's community, the support, and the feedback.  Thanks, Amazon!

And now the belated posting of my recent Goddess Fish blog-tour.  Bookmark winners are:
from Reading in Twilight:  Holly Biggs
from Books in the Hall:  Eva Millien
from Andi's Young Adult Books: Rita
from Writing Novels that Sell: Candy
from Musings from an Addicted Reader: Natasha
from Lisa Haselton's Reviews:  Rita, again!
from Long & Short Reviews: Melinda Campbell
from Words of Wisdom from the Scarf Princess: Mary Preston

And the GRAND PRIZE $25 Amazon gift certificate goes to (da-ta-ta-da):  Jen H.  !!!

Thanks to everyone for participating.  Winners have been notified by email.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Well, I have been unbelievably sick!  It's good to be on the mend, and at the same time, exhausting.  All I do is lay around at night (SO unlike me), and last night my husband rented the movie Intouchables.

It's awesome.

I'm reading a book called Beautiful Ruins, which took the author about 15 years on-and-off to write.  The book opens with a few quotes and this one is the best:

Dick Cavett's four great interviews with Richard Burton were done in 1980 . . . . Burton, fifty-four at the time, and already a beautiful ruin, was mesmerizing. -- Talk Story by Louis Menand, The New Yorker, November 22, 2010.

View one on Richard Burton's interviews here.