I'd call it: Day of the [almost] Dead
Yes, it's been a right rain-filled day of oozing sickness. I'm no good with a cold . . . every time I get one I'm sure I'm going to die (prefer it, actually) but in the end my immune system triumphs, rebounding me to the world of the living. 'Course, the day will come when I don't rebound, but until that day arrives I may as well make the best of it and enjoy myself.
I will say that my ceaseless moaning and groaning this afternoon is likely what drove my daughter to announce that she'll live at least as long as 2013. I promptly informed her: "You're not allowed to die before me." That's when she corrected her prediction and announced she'll make it to 2100.
MERCY THAT SEEMS LIKE A LONG TIME FROM NOW. But I'll admit, when I was a kid I thought I'd never see the year 2000, which came and went with a few more fireworks than in years prior and other than that, nothing special. For those of you who may not recall, the computers didn't crash and the world went right on spinning, (obviously) just like it always will until some meteor smashes into us, creeping up, like meteors do, from the dark side of the moon. Or all the glaciers melt. Whichever comes first. Today, I'd take either.
Did I mention I have a cold?
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