Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I'd call it: The Blog's a bit Behind!

I love to blog.  I really do.  It's like unloading on your husband at the end of the day, except you don't have the eye-rolls.  I mean, maybe I have the eye-rolls.  I just don't have to see them now.

The blog's a bit behind because I'm working on the Painted Boots book trailer and I'll tell ya, it's a doozie.  I've done stop-motion animation before.  But I've never done one so complex as the one I'm doing now.  By the time I've finished it will either be incredible or messed-up.  My fingers are crossed for incredible.

And though I'm paying Createspace to help in the production of my book--they're doing the cover art and interior lay-out--it's still an amazingly time-consuming process to self-publish.  All those little details to pull together.

I love the nights when I can simply focus on my story, get into the characters and their reason for being and lose myself in their world.  I made their world up, yeah, but it all started somewhere in the threads of my own.  The connections are so deep and personal that I don't know if anyone beyond me could ever recognize them for what they are (though Fan sees some of them, as she pointed out one night over dinner).

It's a way-cool process, that's for sure.

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