Monday, July 8, 2013

I'd call it: Tent Cabins are not for the Faint of Heart

A Yellowstone Tent Cabin
Here it is--a classic Tent Cabin.  These things pepper the lodging options of Yellowstone.  They come with a fabulous Bear Aware Food Storage Container, though I swear the bear can still smell the food.  He/She just can't get it.

Tent Cabins are situated in sage and forest-dappled areas that smell of pine and smoke.  They are outfitted with a wood-burning stove (though to use it would pretty much asphyxiate you . . . imagine sleeping near an open fire that is vented, but not entirely) an outdoor fire pit, one picnic table, four hinged 'bunkbed' cots and three wooden shelves.  The flooring is a poured cement pad.

During our trip over the weekend my husband gallantly took one of the upper bunks while my daughter and I took the two lower bunks.  But as there are no rails or guard-ropes on the upper bunks, he didn't sleep a wink, fearing--and rightfully so--that if he tossed in his sleep and fell out he'd sustain brain damage from landing on the cement floor.  I didn't sleep because all I could think about was if there were any bear near enough to smell the food in our Bear Aware Food Storage Container and would said bear snack on us mere humans once it tired of trying to get our breakfast of eggs and watermelon.  My daughter ground her teeth--her sure sign of dream-stress.

In nearby Tent Cabins, others of our extended family slept like babies, of course, which illustrates that we [my husband and daughter and I] are weenies when it comes to outdoor living.  When I got back to my shower and soft, warm bed I realized: I'm okay with that.

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